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The Great THC Tolerance Break Debate: ECS Balance is Truly the Key

Updated: Feb 9

A photo of a woman smoking a cannabis joint in a cannabis field.
The beautiful Cannabis plant, loaded with THC, steps in and does the job of the neurotransmitter most people are very deficient in.

All right, folks, buckle up; we're about to deep dive into a not-so-new but often nerve-racking issue facing us all in 2024 - the THC Tolerance Break Face-off! While many are starving themselves from their favorite cannabinoids for weeks at a time during 'breaks,' others have discovered ECS Balance - a way to keep on enjoying THC without the issues faced with rising tolerance or a forced placed diet away from what helps them live happily.

Whether you're a newbie who turns green with a tiny puff of the strong stuff or a seasoned pro whose system needs heaps of cannabinoids to light up, one crucial element to remember is Endocannabinoid System (ECS) balance.

Now, most of us, even those ultra-cool cannabis connoisseurs, trip up on one thing: knowing which green bits of the plant help us relish the bountiful benefits of THC. Let's get cracking on why THC works its magic on us - it's pretty much the doppelgänger of Anandamide, an endocannabinoid our bodies love. The beautiful Cannabis plant, loaded with THC, steps in and does the job of the neurotransmitter most people are very deficient in.

Given we're all tangled up in some form of Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency Syndrome, our bodies grab onto THC like a kid to candy. That's why cannabis virgins feel this instant, incredible relief – it's like finding that missing jigsaw puzzle piece.

But hold onto your hats! The notion that THC will step in for Anandamide is a decent theory, but it isn't the bee's knees of science.

Why? When you down heaps of THC, our bodies, which already hit the brakes on making the necessary endocannabinoids we need long ago, make even less. This theory, through its paces, holds up under endocannabinoid tone measurements.

A photo of a burning cannabis joint.
"Picture yourself on a THC marathon for an extended period. According to research, your body's Anandamide production, a super cool endocannabinoid, starts to do the slow walk, stumbles, and might even faceplant."

Picture yourself on a THC marathon for an extended period. According to research, your body's Anandamide production, a super cool endocannabinoid, starts to do the slow walk, stumbles, and might even faceplant.

Recent research has also shown that puffing on that magical herb leads to instant drops in another endocannabinoid buddy of ours, 2-AG. You might think, "Wow, should we stop inhaling or eating our beloved greens?"

We may be looking at this the wrong way, or we are. Perhaps it isn't about taking a break but finding a sweet spot, a harmony, a... balance. Now, doesn't that sound more appealing than total abstinence? Stay tuned because this balance saga is about to get interesting!

Research has shown us that both Anandamide production decreases over time with the use of Cannabis and that 2-Ag can drop upon inhalation. I found that this happened to me without knowing any emerging science and that my best friend, THC, needs friends. I had to ingest CBGa, and not as a plan; it was almost by accident during a complex point in life in which dabs no longer worked, and by sudden instinct, the CBGa was grabbed at and ingested - instead of inhaled.

It didn't take long to find that THC would work better because the effects were so fast that during a difficult day - I ingested a small amount of CBGa and found such great relief in feeling centered and able to take on the world. The cannabinoid, when ingested, made me get up and go - suddenly, my little home office for research and social media began to transform.

Decorative art with the words ECS Balance as the focal point.
"As much as THC is our bosom buddy, and trust me, I'm a big fan, it can cause a stir if you're solely reliant on it"

As much as THC is our bosom buddy, and trust me, I'm a big fan, it can cause a stir if you're solely reliant on it. Besides the green goodness, our endocannabinoid system needs us to munch on healthy grub and soak up some sun and sweat. And, surprise, surprise, when we pair THC with other cannabinoids, our Endocannabinoid system (ECS) functions at its snazziest.

When we take it one step further and use acidic cannabinoids on their own, separate from THC, the results of many consumers have been alarming. People feel good, happy, and much more alive and high again when they use THC. The necessity for that dreaded tolerance break diminishes, and everyone is happy.

Nobody does well from T-Breaks, not the industry or consumer. Suppose a person has achieved such a high level of Endocannabinoid System imbalance. In that case, the optimal way to turn that around is to introduce other powerful plant constituents like CBGa and take a hard look at diet and exercise.

Let's be realistic; our understanding of the ECS is like trying to navigate a country without a complete map - we're still exploring unknown territories. And like Columbus, we'll land in the wrong places at times, believing we've found that Pot of Gold in one Cannabis cultivar or another or within one constituent or a formulation of them. Then, we learn something new, and the plan changes; it's one thing we can count on as any radical discovery regarding the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) happens.

Despite all the sci-fi-level medical advances, there are still many mysteries of the human body to unravel, and the ECS is like a never-ending enigma. It's commonly thought that a low endocannabinoid tone, i.e., lack of endocannabinoids and receptors, is the culprit behind many of our issues - from A to Z.

Take it from me, a cannabis adventurer. Once upon a time, I'd vaporize a whole cartridge, a couple of grams of dabs, and a hefty chunk of flower - all in a day. And that didn't include the THC oils I gulped down. And nope, no CBGa, CBG, CBD, CBC, nada. Despite the ongoing evidence of its potential, I'd laugh off any mention of using Hemp to fight my issues when looking back to before I met Genevieve before the Cannabis Love Story began.

My intake of THC-rich Cannabis oils ramped up to a point where gobbling 2 grams of 80% THC wasn't a big deal.

Plot twist: it was.

Here's the kicker: when the ECS is swimming in a cannabinoid that's the spitting image of the neurotransmitter it craves, the result isn't exactly a party for anyone wishing to control their THC usage. The ECS isn't going to produce what it's already awash in, so if THC is continuously docking on receptors, our bodies go on an Anandamide and 2-AG strike. While both THC and Anandamide tickle our CB1 and CB2 receptors,

THC gives us that signature ''high'', but Anandamide is what our body wants on the receptor.

Three ENDOCARE Supply products, an MC FSO syringe, MC BSO Syringe, and  KeefBucket, sitting on a magazine with Mike Robinson's featured  article.
T Breaks, those infamous tolerance breaks, in my opinion, are depriving an already needy system.

Because of the Anandamide production hiatus, the ECS stops throwing receptor-site parties. The fallout is staggering - consumers need more and more THC to chase that initial high, as the vast majority don't know about Endocannabinoid Tone or Endocannabinoid Balance.

And that's where the twist comes in - this isn't a simple matter of tolerance, folks! It's a balancing act involving our show's superstar, the Endocannabinoid System (ECS). T Breaks, those infamous tolerance breaks, in my opinion, are depriving an already needy system.

Talk about a cruel diet plan! Giving them a thumbs down on social media didn't have a vast impact - but it taught a lot of people how to balance. It's why I stepped up and introduced my game-changing theory a few years ago: ECS (Endocannabinoid System) Balance Control - and through the use of CBGa.

So, instead of sweating bullets over the great THC tolerance dilemma, let's flip the script and focus on keeping our ECS as balanced as a zen master on a tightrope!

That, my friends, is how we'll tap into the high life and gain the best efficacy from our favorite Cannabis products.

Photo of Mike Robinson and Genevieve his adopted daughter.

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