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A Comparison: How FSO and RSO Help Us, Unraveling the Differences

When exploring the diverse world of cannabis concentrates, it's essential to understand the distinctions between popular types like the Researcher OG's Full Spectrum Oil (FSO) and Rick Simpson Oil (RSO). At Endo Care Supply, we specialize in providing the Researcher OG's highly effective, custom-formulated cannabis oils, including unique blends that significantly differentiate from standard offerings.

But what is the difference, and how will this affect you?

Let's review this and generalize, as oils can be made from many cannabinoids. Some will take extra care to make them from organic plants using lab equipment that cleans them to the point of no detection of harmful items in lab reports, much like Researcher OG MC FSO. That cleanliness element is a key difference between RSO and FSO, which is created via C02 extraction instead of RSO's ethanol, and is almost made in inspected labs that have certifications and do internal labs to make sure the oil is 100% clean before we get it as the product and then do yet another lab, our 3rd party, to ensure all is good.

What exactly is RSO?

RSO, or Rick Simpson Oil, is renowned for its high THC concentration, making it one of the most potent cannabis oils available. It's primarily used by people for its powerful effects that you feel quickly; it's so powerful that doses have to be very small to start with; many went after this type of oil after Rick Simpson made it for his own skin cancer issues, shared it with friends, and then did a book and documentary. He's been reported to be recovering from a stroke. 

The legend isn't active in the industry, nor has he ever been that much, but consumers have gone wild making RSO for the past 15 years, with most not always knowing what it does in the ECS. Companies have branded oils using his name, paying him nothing while charging consumers a pretty penny. Many will pay 30.00 a gram for RSO or more, depending on where they get it. The crafty consumers who figured out how to make it, albeit without the labs, everyone requests the oils they buy. 

My concern with RSO has always been precisely this, it's generally made by and for people with serious problems; the oils are unknown regarding cleanliness, and the ECS doesn't always accept it, so some people can't even use it - or much of it. Others benefit greatly, I am one, but I found that I needed to look at specific issues, like how the stuff knocks me out at night, and apply it to that and not everything to keep my Endocannabinoid System in check - but keep in mind, it took me years to figure this out. 

Genevieve came into my life needing CBGa:CBG. Unknowingly, I started dosing myself with something that balances the ECS when THC doesn't unless we're highly upregulated—meaning producing too many endocannabinoids; THC looks like one (Anandamide). Hence, it slows and stops several productions when we use it. This is where FSO comes into play; when formulated in specific ways, it enhances production, offsets RSO, allows people to use both and keeps an excellent ECS Balance.

What exactly are FSO and MC FSO?

Unlike RSO, Full Spectrum Oil (FSO) incorporates a comprehensive range of cannabinoids, not just THC. This includes CBD, CBG, CBN, and more, preserved through gentle extraction processes. MC FSO and all of the Researcher OG oils are crafted with the knowledge that comes with being the founder of the Global Cannabinoid Research Center and a pioneer at Endo Care Supply. Designed to maintain and restore balance to the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Our MC FSO, MC BSO, and MCO are all custom blends that provide a broad spectrum of cannabinoids, crafted to address symptoms and support overall ECS health.

While RSO has its stronghold for consumers, it's beneficial. It's often mixed with FSO by the more knowledgeable consumer. However, most people still don't know what FSO is all about - which is why I decided to create the Researcher OG product line and make several different customized blends that help our bodies restore balance throughout much more than just our Endocannabinoid System - as many oils interact with endocannabinoids and these neurotransmitters land all over our body doing amazing things, they send signals to our brain others will not - that's how precious the ECS is. 

So, while RSO has spread across the nation and globe in a frenzy for people with so many different disorders that it's impossible to list, FSO has yet to have its day. It's not celebrated quite so much when, as a researcher, I find it superior in many ways. I also find RSO to have qualities that FSO will never have, as there's no THC - and visa versa as FSO has powers that RSO simply doesn't possess, as one replaces endocannabinoids (RSO) and the other produces them (MC FSO).

"So many ask which one they should use, which one works better, and my conclusion has always been this: Neither! We should use what works for our individual situation, our own physiology, but we should ALWAYS keep our ECS Balanced as endocannabinoids are critical in fighting all aspects of the various issues we develop living in this environment of harm Mankind has created."

ECS Balance Control with FSO - Receptor Availability

FSO is essential for maintaining ECS balance in a way that upregulates the production of endocannabinoids. This is essential for our balance to be maintained; without this, the use of THC causes the system to lose receptor sites, and with items like MC FSO or BSO, it causes an increased ability for THC to land on places due to there being more of them. Our body doesn't recognize the plant cannabinoid as what it makes, so when we use it, we're not gaining receptor availability - we're losing it, which people call Tolerance.

The diverse array of cannabinoids in MCO and MC FSO works synergistically through the "Entourage Effect" to enhance the body's response to various physiological challenges. This is crucial because an unbalanced ECS can lead to health issues. MC BSO from Researcher OG is much like the other two.

MC BSO is a cleaned-up version, meaning it's gone through the very first 'pass' of the process to create a gold oil, and then we stop as that keeps those beautiful minor cannabinoids intact in a very high volume - creating a Golden FSO for people who like that type of oil or want to make edibles without the color of the darker oils. It is specifically formulated to help the ECS achieve and maintain equilibrium, promoting overall well-being. BSO stands for Broad Spectrum Oil, but truly it's a full spectrum minus the THC, a far better way to explain what it is.

The Role of RSO and FSO Together

This is critical information for all who use RSO. While THC oil is influential for acute issues due to its high THC content, its efficacy can - and will - diminish if used alone over time, leading to increased dosages. It's truly no different than after smoking cannabis for any period; we see our use increase; it truly doesn't take much more than a week of use of inhalation, and ingestion duplicates this. 

Incorporating FSO can counteract this. As I've explained, the OG types of FSO—and the BSO—provide a broader spectrum of cannabinoids that help modulate the ECS, making THC more effective and sustainable in its benefits. I like to call all these oils "ECS Relief," as that's what they are. 

RSO's Effect on Cannabinoid Receptors: 

While THC oils are beneficial in that they act like the endocannabinoid Anandamide, at the same time, some drawbacks require the necessity for ECS Balance. Our Endocannabinoid System has receptors built by our body for endocannabinoids; many feel it's miraculous that a plant's cannabinoids fit upon the human endocannabinoid receptor - but it's not quite that simple.

For THC to 'dock' or land properly on the CB1, it must first metabolize due to its weight and size into the psychoactive metabolite 11-Hydroxy-THC. In this conversion process, the receptor takes a blow that can affect its ability to let THC dock in the future. 

So, THC works because it looks like Anandamide, the endocannabinoid built by the body to land on the receptor - if someone has ample Anandamide in their body, they will be resistant to THC - or even 'allergic' as the cannabinoid will act as a toxin in their system.

We get a 'head rush' when THC within milliseconds, does this fast metabolization to 11-Hydroxy-THC, as when it first lands on the receptor, there's somewhat of a crushing action - so much that I say to my friends, 'Let's crush some receptors" when I want to smoke a joint laden with extracts and so high in THC it's going to smash our minds from any negative thoughts and fill the room with laughter. 

FSO is 100% Opposite in its ECS Action - ECS Balance Control 

When you have a wide array of cannabinoids custom blended to make the endocannabinoid system produce on its own, the outcome is the body making its Anandamide and 7 other endocannabinoids that are very necessary for us all to survive - and thrive. While THC oil helps me in various ways - every night I take it - I also make sure to stay balanced with the different custom blends of FSO and BSO - like the MCO, which is a CBD:CBG combo loaded with minors.

I didn't figure this out from day one; my first 3-year battle to stay alive included only RSO - THC and CBN. I was so adamant that people use it that I would say hemp was useless and would discount claims of cannabinoids from it being beneficial - wow, was I wrong - so wrong that it likely would have cost my life had I not met Genevieve and Anne Mari in 2016.

Gen didn't do well on CBD, and I didn't want her taking solely THC:CBN. It led me to discover the necessity of what I called the Mother Major Cannabinoid even back then - CBGa:CBG. But figuring that out was a matter of trial and error. The birth of discoveries began in a desperate move to find an oil that would work for my 'girlfriend's daughter,' as I told the compassion crew back then. 

The Researcher OG FSO, BSO, and MCO oils are a product of the knowledge gained from helping this one patient, my daughter, a child who's grown into a young woman whom I'd do anything for - and now Genevieve's Dream is coming which will bring people a different way to balance the ECS and parents a product they can count on - the whole time staring at the Endocannabinoid System and how to fix problems people have with fueling it, after learning that as much as I love THC, it uses it. You can throw stones at me, my fellow stoners, and I'll laugh and still make the same statement - I love THC, but it's not always my friend. 

Comparative Benefits of FSO and RSO - An Overview

To wrap this up, all OG FSO and BSO oil types alleviate symptoms of ECS imbalance and promote long-term health through the ECS—fueling endocannabinoids and utilizing plant extracts instead of replacing them. This approach is ideal for patients who require a comprehensive therapeutic approach. RSO works and is suited for those needing immediate relief from severe symptoms. However, FSO types of oils are highly recommended for sustainable usage and holistic health as they support the ECS in performing its critical functions efficiently.

At Endo Care Supply, we emphasize the importance of understanding each individual's unique needs and how different types of cannabis oil can cater to those needs. Whether you are seeking to mitigate chronic conditions or enhance your overall health regime, our tailored blends, like the MC FSO, provide a balanced approach to cannabis therapy, distinguishing our offerings from typical RSO products.

We support many patients using RSO by providing a balancing beam for their protocols, so if that's something you have in action now, make sure to add MC FSO or one of the other OG oils to your daily regimen to maximize what RSO can do for you. It is a potent oil with so much potential, but RSO can cause many issues if delivered without balance. 

Explore Our Expertly Formulated Oils

Discover the therapeutic potentials of our specialized cannabis oils at Endo Care Supply. The Researcher OG line of expertly crafted products was designed with over a decade of experience in cannabinoid research and compassionate care, offering a refined approach to cannabis-based wellness. It's not about flashy branding and a message to make someone buy a product at our entity or with any OG or Dream brands; it's about a healthy lifestyle that includes positive thinking, exercise, and a healthy diet. 



Macario, Everly ScD, MS, EdM; Thomas, Rosita M. PhD. Reasons Washington State Women Use Marijuana During Pregnancy/Breastfeeding, Their Trusted Information Sources, and Communication Strategies for Informed Decision-Making. The Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing 36(3):p 243-255, July/September 2022. | DOI: 10.1097/JPN.0000000000000663

Margaret Haney, et al, Cannabis Use and the Endocannabinoid System: A Clinical Perspective American Psychiatric Association ISSN0002-953X eISSN1535-7228P January 2022

Corneliu N. Stanciu. et al. Evidence for Use of Cannabinoids in Mood Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, and PTSD: A Systematic Review, American Psychiatric Association ISSN 1075-2730 eISSN1557-9700 February 2021 

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