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DIY Hard Candy With Cannabis Oils: A Sweet Path to Wellness

Making your edibles at home gives you control over the ingredients and can be a fun, rewarding experience. Today, we'll explore a simple hard candy recipe incorporating traditional methods and organic ingredients. We'll also discuss the potential wellness benefits of including Researcher OG oils and other EndoCare supply products in your candy-making routine. It's not only a lot of fun; DIY Candy will save you big compared to prepackaged products. 

Making hard candy at home is a delightful process that allows for creativity and personalization in your treats. The traditional method involves cooking a simple mixture of sugar, water, and corn syrup to the hard-crack stage, which is about 300°F. When cooled at this temperature, the syrup forms hard, brittle threads perfect for candy-making.

This base can then be enhanced with a variety of flavors and colors. Advanced variations might include adding citric acid for a tangy touch or experimenting with layers of different colors and flavors to create unique, multi-dimensional confections.

Another popular technique for homemade hard candy involves incorporating natural sweeteners and flavor enhancers. Ingredients like honey or maple syrup can give a richer flavor profile than regular sugar. For those interested in wellness, beneficial additives like CBD or CBGa oils can enhance the candy's therapeutic properties and offer a personalized approach to dosage and flavor. 

Remember, these interesting additives should be mixed immediately after cooking to maximize extract efficacy. Each batch can be a fun experiment in discovering new flavor combinations and wellness benefits.


  • 2/3 cup organic sugar

  • 1/3 cup organic honey or Caro Syrup

  • A small amount of margarine

  • Essential oil candy flavoring of your choice

  • Researcher OG oils (Cannabis extract infused oil, crumble, Keef)


  • Medium saucepan

  • Wooden spoon

  • Candy molds or a baking sheet lined with parchment paper

  • Candy thermometer


Prepare Your Station: Before you begin, ensure that all your ingredients are measured. Your candy molds or parchment-lined baking sheet are ready. This is important as the candy mixture must be worked with quickly once it reaches the correct temperature.

Combine Ingredients: In a medium saucepan, combine honey or Caro syrup with a small amount of margarine. Heat this mixture over medium heat, stirring until the margarine is melted.

Add Sugar: Once the margarine is fully melted, add the organic sugar. Stir continuously to prevent the sugar from sticking to the bottom of the pan.

Cook the Candy: Insert the candy thermometer and let the mixture cook until it reaches 300°F (hard crack stage). This usually takes about 12 minutes, but keep a close eye on the temperature.

Add Flavors, Oils, and CBGa: Remove the pan from heat once the hard crack stage is reached. Quickly stir in your essential oil flavoring and a pre-measured amount of Researcher OG oils, which include the beneficial CBGa crumble or diamonds if you prefer those. Some people love to include Keef. The exact amount will depend on your dosage preference and the oil's potency.

Pour and Set: Immediately pour the mixture into your prepared molds or onto the parchment paper. If you're using a baking sheet, score the candy before it hardens completely to make it easier to break into uniform pieces later.

Cool and Enjoy: Allow the candy to cool completely at room temperature. Once hardened, it can be broken into pieces and stored in an airtight container.

Benefits of Making Your Edibles:

Control Over Ingredients: By making your own edibles, you have complete control over what goes into your food, including the ability to use high-quality, organic ingredients and to adjust dosages as needed.

Cost-Effective: Utilizing EndoCare Supply's products, especially with the generous 25% discount for disabled individuals and veterans, makes this option far more economical than purchasing pre-made edibles from stores or online.

Fun and Creative: Making candy is a delightful process that can be creative and enjoyable, perfect for a weekend project or a special occasion.

Why Choose EndoCare Supply?

EndoCare Supply offers high-quality, cannabinoid-infused products and supports our community with a significant discount for those who need it most. By choosing EndoCare, you're not just purchasing but joining a community committed to wellness and support.

"Remember that EndoCare Supply gives 1% of all sales to Genevieve's Carousel Challenge Fund; keeping the community at heart is our #1 Goal. Be part of ECS, it's something bigger than all of us, creating a future of love, hope, and happiness." -Mike Robinson, The Researcher OG

Making your own Researcher OG-infused hard candy at home is an excellent way to enjoy the benefits of cannabinoids in a delicious, fun, and cost-effective way. We encourage you to watch YouTube videos and other educational resources on making hard candy to help you utilize our various oils to maximize your spending power. 

Whether new to homemade edibles or an experienced confectioner, this recipe offers a great starting point for exploring the art of candy-making with an added wellness boost. For many, it allows a new hobby to emerge while enjoying the finest oils from EndoCare Supply and The Researcher OG. 

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